Mindless Self Indulgence

Mindless Self Indulgence (commonly referred to as MSI) is a New York City-based, American band. They describe their music as "industrial jungle pussy punk". Though considered punk, they are heavily influenced by techno, electro, and hip-hop. they occasionally use grotesque or sexually influenced lyrics and names, and many songs are literally hilarious.

The Band Consists of :

Little Jimmy Urine - Vocals
Steve, Righ? - Guitar
Lyn-Z - Bass
Kitty - Drum

Heres a taste of there music .

3 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've heard of them; I like their song Shut Me Up.

Anonymous said...

I love them. They're hilarious. I saw them this summer, it was awesome.

Anonymous said...

i dnt know thm n i've neva herd them...but im leavin a comment.. me no bad luck...lol