Okay here is my 2nd Poem. Its similar in fashion to last one hope u like it ....adios for now.
Haunts My Mind
The days go by as a slow blur.
Winter crowds my heart and surroundings.
The ice leaves the windows frozen.
Nothing comforts me but the pain:
Your face haunts me continually.
I blink my eyes to darkness,
I open them to the same darkness.
My sweet, sweet pain will not leave;
The days go by as a slow blur.
Flashes of crimson red appear constant.
The blade controls its periodic victims.
Nothing understands pain but the pain itself:
Your face still haunts me continually.
I feel the pain of great sweetness,
I surrender to the pain of great sweetness.
My horrible, horrible memories stay;
The days go by as a slow blur.
Only dreaming for them to cease.
The life I live and lie, I want it gone
Nothing but one can help this wish:
Your face still haunts me continually.
I live my life of horribleness,
I want to end my life of horribleness.
My silent, silent secrets will not go;
The days go by as a slow blur.
An awful game that never ends.
But I do not want to be left to play.
Nothing takes my empty pride away:
Your face still haunts me continually.
I will hold my secrets with silentness,
I will die with my unavenged silentness.
3 Thoughts:
Thatz just a luvvvvvvvvvy Duvvvvvvvvvy poem disguised with miserable words...hehe...oooh Lanka writin luuuuv poemz ;)
nice poem... vry gud one...
its too long 2 read so i read the 1st 3 paragrahs..r u talkin bout the 4 seasons or r u halusinatin?..its very gud though lol nah i read the whole thing LOL is ther even a word called horibleNESS..haahaha its rele GUD..KEEp it uP
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