Men's Dress Guide

We all know that men are not quite as adept at fashion as women. In fact guys will pretty much wear anything, anytime, with anything. This creates the false impression that guys just "throw" any old thing on. This however is not the case. As this handy little guide points out, getting dressed is a highly complex and organized ritual for men. Take a look for urself.... :P

Mwhahaha ur an idiot

3 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

haha hilarious lmao wonder if this things true *wink*
nice one ;)

Sabby said...

I tried to figure out if my boifriend follows the same chart...well wat do u know...he DOES! hehe...good one!

Anonymous said...

lol ahhahaha gud 1. dis is a higly complex and organised speaks for it self cnt dress without de help of women. :D