Teen Labels

L abeling at schools has been a major issue in the recent past , As if there isn't enough pressure in society, there seems to be a new label invented every day for a cert
ain style or music. Teens all over the world are now being branded into different categories, and of course this brings a lot of different opinions on the different labels. Its just like racial prejudice some kids don’t like another group of kids because of the way the dress or act, or the music they listen to. The labels are getting out of hand quickly, but this article is an explanation of the different groups and the conflicts between them.

here the 1st label i'll talk about , i will include the rest later.

Punks and Goths

Firstly, we have the “punks” and the “goths,” also known as “the hardcore kids.” These are the kids you see wearing all black every day (or black and red), often having piercings all over their bodies, banging their heads to the music blaring over their headphones. It’s not uncommon to see them in a rock t-shirt from a recent concert, or wearing metal spikes around their wrists and necks. These clothes and accessories are found at stores like Hot Topic. They listen to mostly rock music of all varieties- classic rock, punk, metal, black metal, and so on.

They get looked down upon by most adults based on only appearance, and they’re often blamed for things they didn’t do. Of course, this isn’t always true, but due to prejudice, there are many incorrect ideals as to who was in the wrong. Authorities see these teenagers and think automatically that “these kids are trouble.” But it’s really not always so.

Many people suspect the hardcore kids of doing illegal things and being up to no good whatsoever, and again, this is only true to a point. For example, school shootings are usually plotted and carried out by kids that wear all black and seem to be misunderstood in society, but there are always exceptions to the rule.

Resources :
Aritcle: Mackenzie Clark

4 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Well about Teen Labeling its not a that big Issue at schools in Sri Lanka (but its a major issue in most of the western countries ) according to my knowledge, since there is no noticeable influence on teens of Sri Lanka so far from these kind of western cultures so called as punks and Goths. There may be few teens from the higher class of the society in urban areas (I call them HI5 people) who are educated through International schools under a western environment (also few people form popular schools in Colombo) and totally adapted to the western culture (I am not trying to Generalize). Therefore as a whole there is no major impact on our society so far from these kind of western cultures of Punks and Goths. These kind of western cultures are only limited to urban areas especially to Colombo (it’s about 5% from the total population) and slowly spreading among the teens that are totally educated under a western environment.

But here Lanka is trying to tell us is that not every people who dress like Punks and Goths are trouble makers. They are normal innocent people who like to try new things usually the unusual things like dressing weird, behaving weird, talking weird, walking weird etc so by that they trying to gain some attention from other people. But I have seen in many movies that punks and Goths are the bad guys who are most of the time drug dealers and Vampires, I think that they have been used in those movies as bad guys because the makers of those movies may have thought of the weirdness of the punks and Goths are the most suitable characteristics for drug user or a blood sucker for a movie. I appreciate what Lanka is trying to reveal us that Punks and Goths are not that evil in inside as we see them in outside, they just want to be different and gain attention that’s all.

Mr.L.A.N.K.A said...

well said "SmilingDragon" the issue is not at large still!! in SL but its very much among us in the urban culture in colombo.

The labels of PUNK n GOTH(and EMO's) is not a big issue in SL still but we do have many gangsters n prep's out there, alot of em in SL .I find SL kids/ppl do like to copy (lets say "do as others" ) western cultures therefore i do assure u these other labels will find its way in to modern SL culture sooner or later.

btw the... mind if i ask but who are you...SmilingDragon ??

and thank you for the lengthy but very interesting comment

i'll be adding sum other teen labels into the blog ....

Anonymous said...

................. LOL ...*nodd and smile*