What is Beauty?

Society has warped the word beauty. The minds of most people use sexy, hot, or fine as synonymous with beauty and that is positively incorrect.

Beauty lies in the soul of the beholder... and I think our souls can value different kinds of beauty and attach value to different kinds of beautiful things. I can find something ugly when it is something my soul places no value in, but I can find something beautiful when it is something my soul values a great deal. I can sense beauty in various ways, but it is always up to me to decide if something is beautiful or not.

Beauty is subjective.

A beautiful physical appearance is trait attainable by anyone. But a beautiful mind is beyond reach of the callous and harder to attain and that won’t crumble away readily

1 Thoughts:

Fifi said...

Well said! Physical appearance is not, and should not, be confused with beauty. Beautiful soul, beautiful mind, beautiful personality... now thats real beauty.