Even In Death Love Will Always Remain [Poem Duet]

There is nothing for you to look at here
Nothing for you to see
Turn to look at me if you please

Believe in what you see
The end of make believe and all of our hopes and dreams
Understand what I'm saying now
As darkness and light fight in our lifetime

The fear of tomorrow
The fear of an angel without wings
Watch the sun consume the earth
Her beauty like the fiery mass
Hurling toward everything we know

And yet we know it comes and brace ourselves in love
As beautiful as a falllen Angel in its sadened state
Yet magnificent like a rose which blooms inside our soul as we love one another
Time stops then and all we see is light and beauty
As if no more wars exist
No more tradgic deaths

Memories so fond, grow dark and bleak
The melody of the music begins to fade
Execute the pain I feel,
knows this time, death he cannot evade

Though even in death love will always remain
Love can always prevail
~By: Lanka W & Sarah E 

2 Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

nice one

Gothic_Pheonix said...
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